Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Will The Hammer Fall ?

Political Cartoon is by Monte Wolverton at


  1. One can hope and if so minded pray!

    Also, you all deserve it because, as that nice Mr. Gruber who Pres. Obama paid $500k to advise on the setting up of 'Obamacare', said, 'you're all stupid'! Er, his words, not mine!

  2. Frankly, I'm shocked at your attitude, David. You live in a country where you have guaranteed access to adequate medical care -- and yet you think millions of Americans should be denied the insurance that would give them that same care. That's a very cold-hearted view.

  3. Maybe David just wants the US to abandon Obamacare and opt for a system similar to his country's National Health Service, "that provides healthcare to all permanent residents of the United Kingdom that is free at the point of use and paid for from general taxation." (Wikipedia)


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