Tuesday, December 02, 2014

There Is No Mandate -- Public Wants Real Compromise

The Republicans want to believe they were given a mandate by the voters in the 2014 election -- and that by being given control of both houses of Congress, they now have the right to try and impose their own policies on the country (even if it means shutting down the government again). But every poll taken since the election shows that is just not true. They were elected because too many Americans didn't bother to vote (probably because they are angry with both political parties), and the public doesn't have any better opinion of the Republicans than they do the Democrats.

The charts above were made from a new CNN / ORC Poll -- taken between November 21st and 23rd of a random national sample of 1,045 adults, with a margin of error of 3 points.

Note that it shows the public has an almost equal distaste for both parties, and they don't necessarily think it's a good thing that the Republicans now control both houses of Congress. In fact, a majority thinks it will just result in more gridlock. And if the Republicans try to force their policies to be accepted by shutting down the government, most people are going to blame them for that.

Nothing has changed with the public. What they want (and have wanted for several years) is for the parties to set aside their ideology and compromise for the good of the country -- like they used to be able to do before the teabaggers went crazy over the election of a black president. Compromise for some congressional Republicans means the Democrats should surrender and let them do what they want -- but that is not what the public thinks. They want the two parties to both give a little, and find some true middle ground.

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