Friday, March 13, 2015

The Ten Most Racist States In The U.S. ?

Atlanta Blackstar has an interesting article in which they name the "Top 10 Most Racist States In America". The article is a few months old now, but I thought you might find it interesting.

How did they arrive at their conclusions that the states in the chart above are those 10 most racist states? They combined a couple of results from other websites. First, they looked at the article on Floating Sheep. That article studied the number of racist tweets after the re-election of President Obama in 2012. They took the total number of those racist tweets from each state, adjusted that to account for the population of each state, and came up with a number they called the Location Quotient (LQ). A 1.0 would be the average from all states, and a 2.0 would mean that state had twice as many racist tweets as the national average.

Then they took the number of KKK groups that each state has from the website of News-Mic (who got their figures from the Southern Poverty Law Center). Adding the LQ and the number of KKK groups together gave them a number they used to judge the racism of each state. The states with that highest number are the states they label as the most racist.

This is not a scientific study, and some might want to argue with the results they came up with. But I think this has at least some credibility. At the very least, these states do have a serious problem with racism -- and it's a problem they don't seem to be very interested in correcting. In fact, the governments of many of those states seem to be going backwards by doing things like restricting the voting rights of minorities (using false issues like voter fraud to establish Voter ID laws).

What do you readers think? Are these the 10 most racist states in America?


  1. kind of surprised to see illinois on the list and not missouri or indiana in its place.

  2. No! They adjusted the LQ for the population but not the number of KKK chapters!

    Do you know how much bigger Texas is than Alabama? If they were going to adjust LQ for population, then they should have adjusted KKK chapters for pop, too (one chapter for every 2 million people, or whatever). I mean, Texas' LQ is actually the lowest on the chart, so it's just that KKK thing that's pushing it so high.

    Plus, that's ALL they took? They didn't consider employment discrimination and housing complaints (available through EEOC and HUD), etc?


  3. I know it's not a scientific study, but I agree with Katy; you can create a formula to obtain an average and add it to an actual number and get an accurate total.


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