Saturday, May 09, 2015

Will Texas Legalize Marijuana? - Not This Year

(This image is from the website of High Times magazine.)

A couple of days ago a rather remarkable thing happened in the Texas legislature. A bill to remove all penalties for growing and possessing marijuana by adults actually was approved and voted out of the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee on a 5 to 2 vote. Three Democrats and two Republicans voted to approve sending the bill to the full House, while two Republicans voted against the measure.

Social media immediately exploded in an orgy of celebration, with many saying it could actually be possible for Texas to legalize marijuana this year. The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) jumped on board saying "It has been a good week for marijuana policy reform in the Lone Star State." And High Times went further with a headline saying, "Texas Could Legalize Recreational Marijuana in 2015".

I hate to bust the bubble for all these people, but it's just not going to happen -- at least not this year. The measure (HB 2165) still must clear another committee (the committee that schedules votes on the House floor). It is highly unlikely it will do that since the term of this legislature is fast running out -- and even if it does, there are plenty enough representatives in the House to insure the measure is defeated. And if by some miracle it could overcome those giant hurdles, the governor is sure to veto it.

Texas will legalize marijuana someday, but that day is far down the road -- probably years away. This committee vote does show that a little progress has been made. And that's a good thing. In the past, such a measure would have stayed buried in committee. But we must remember that since the Republicans took over the state government, Texas has not been a progressive leader. It has been a follower that must be dragged into the modern era (and with a lot of kicking and screaming).

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