Friday, August 14, 2015

Most Americans Don't Own A Gun & And Want Stricter Laws

 (This cartoon on guns is by Nick Anderson in the Houston Chronicle.)

The killings continue in America, and currently we are averaging about one mass shooting every day. This doesn't happen in other countries, so why does it happen here? One answer is because of the proliferation of guns in this country. There are more than 300 million guns among the American population -- almost enough for every man, woman, and child in the country. And more than enough for every adult.

That rather frightening statistic might make someone think that nearly everyone in this country owns a gun -- but that is far from the truth. Actually (see top chart below), a majority (57%) of households do not have a gun. That means the percentage of households with a gun (35%, or slightly more than a third of households) probably own more than one gun. Why then, are our gun laws so lax?

The truth is that most Americans would like to see stricter gun laws (see bottom chart) -- especially relating to handguns (which have no real use other than to kill human beings). About 52% say they would like to see stricter laws concerning handguns. And if you ask just about strengthening background checks for those wanting to purchase a firearm, the percentage goes up to over 80% of Americans (and that includes a huge majority of NRA members).

Unfortunately, we have one organization that seems to be controlling the Congress on the question of gun restrictions -- the National Rifle Association (NRA). The leadership of that once respectable organization has been bought and paid for by the gun manufacturers, and they no longer listen to anyone else (including the membership of their own organization). They oppose any law they think might result in fewer gun sales in this country.

And sadly, they have either bought off, or scared off, enough members of Congress to make sure no new gun laws are passed -- no matter how much sense the law might make, or how many people support that law. And the mass killings will continue until that changes.

We seem to have decided in this country that it is more important to protect the profits of gun manufacturers than the lives of American citizens. And that says something very dark about our society.

These charts were made from information in a new YouGov Poll -- done between July 31st and August 4th of a random national sample of 1,000 adults, with a margin of error of about 4 points.

1 comment:

  1. Check out the cartoon at the bottom of this article; I think it is brilliant.

    (This is my third time writing this because "preview" keeps screwing up. I haven't had this problem before. It's probably on my side.)


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