Monday, September 14, 2015

Kim Davis Is NOT Supported By Rowan County Officials

(This photo of Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis is from

After viewing the crowds cheering Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis on her release from jail last week, you may have been given the impression that the Rowan County officials support Davis. But that is simply not true. If anything, they are embarrassed and upset by her illegal actions. Consider the following from an interview with the Rowan County Attorney by Shannon Ragland of the Kentucky Trial Court Review:

Exclusive. Just conducted an interview with Cecil Watkins, the Rowan County Attorney. Watkins (who to my knowledge) hasn't given any interviews.

Watkins indicates that Kim Davis "does not represent" Rowan County and is not representative of its inclusive values.

From Day One, Watkins told David I "will not and cannot support" you in her defiance of the law. Not only that he was clear he would not represent her as the law in the case of same sex marriage is clear.

While he has no stance on same sex marriage, well-established federal law must be followed.

Watkins wanted to emphasize several other things.

First that everyone who works at the courthouse has endured cursing as they enter the building. And it's not just at her office. Everyone in the courthouse is scared to come to work.

Second that Liberty Counsel will leave Kim Davis high and dry when this charade is over. Watkins thinks the funds they raise off the case should go to Rowan County.

Finally and most importantly he has learned that deputy clerks would issue lawful marriage licenses. They are simply afraid to do so. And if Judge Bunning instructs them to do so . . . they will.

Davis has put, in the words of Watkins, her employees and everyone in the courthouse in a "terrible position."

Watkins, in his role as the County Attorney, will be in court tomorrow for the hearing at 11:00 in Ashland. He is pictured being sworn in.

Ed. Note - The takeaways from the Watkins interview are clear. Davis is acting alone in her zealous mission. Her conduct has terrorized not just her staff but everyone that works in the courthouse. And all for a foolish mission aided by out of state charlatan lawyers trying to raise money for their "religious liberty" mission.

Shannon Ragland
Kentucky Trial Court Review


  1. can't they have a recall vote and get rid of her?

  2. Probably, but that would take several months. First you'd have to circulate a petition, then get it certified, and then schedule an election.


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