Monday, September 05, 2016

Support For Background Checks On All Gun Sales Still High

We continue to have an epidemic of gun violence in the United States, with over 30,000 deaths by gun each year -- far more than any other developed nation (and third world nations not at war). But the Republican officials still refuse to even consider closing the loopholes in the background check law for gun buyers (even though 40% of gun sales each year are done without a background check).

The Republicans claim they are protecting Second Amendment rights for Americans. That is not true. The Supreme Court has already ruled that background checks do not violate the Second Amendment. Those Republicans are simply catering the the gun manufacturers or running scared of the NRA.

It is simply insane to allow convicted criminals, known terrorists, or the dangerously mentally-ill to purchase a gun -- but that is what's happening thanks to the enormous holes in the background check law. This must be fixed.

Now another poll shows that those GOP officials are out-of-step with the American people. About 81% of all Americans want a background check done on all gun sales (including sales at gun shows and by private individuals). This is an imminently sensible position, and would not affect the right to buy or own a gun by any honest and law-abiding citizen.

The chart above was made from information in a recent Pew Research Center survey -- done between August 9th and 16th of a random national sample of 2,010 adults, with a 2.5 point margin of error.

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