Friday, February 09, 2018

Do These Charts Portend A Wave Election This Year ?

These charts reflect the numbers in a new Quinnipiac University Poll -- done between February 2nd and 5th of a random national sample of 1,333 voters, with a margin of error of 3.3 points.

Do they show a coming wave election this November? I believe it's a distinct possibility. Note the terrible gap that has persisted on the job approval of the 115th Congress. It is currently a negative 62 point gap. That's a public that is in a "kick them out" mood, and the people most likely to be kicked out are the ones in control -- the Republicans.

Couple that with the charts that show the public is more unhappy with the Republicans than the Democrats, and the charts that show more people would prefer Democrats be in charge of the House and Senate, and you have the seeds being sown for a wave election.

Can Trump help stave off that wave for Republicans? No. His numbers aren't as bad as those of Congress, but he has also carried a substantial negative approval gap (currently at a negative 15). That's not someone who has coattails to offer the members of his party.

It's still several months until the voting in November, but right now things look good for Democrats -- if they can convince their voters to get to the polls (and the hatred of Trump will really help with that).

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