Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Commander-In-Chief "Bone Spurs" Wants A Space Army

(Image is from Facebook. I don't know who created it.)

Donald Trump has announced that he wants (and has asked our military to create) a new division of the military -- separate from the Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force, and Coast Guard. He didn't go into detail, and left many questions unanswered about this proposed branch of the military.

Alex Ward (with his tongue planted firmly in cheek) has enumerated 25 of the questions needing answers in a post at

  1. Can Trump unilaterally create a space force?
  2. ... Or does he need congressional authorization, as experts say?
  3. Will Trump ever wear a spacesuit?
  4. Would lawmakers approve a new space force?
  5. What will the military equipment look like? Rockets? Lightsabers?
  6. Who will pay for the space force?
  7. Did Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis know about Trump’s decision, even though he’s against a space force?
  8. Did the Air Force know about Trump’s decision, even though it’s against a space force?
  9. Will the training facilities for space force troops be called a “space camp”? Please let that be a thing.
  10. Can the US set up a base on the moon? Newt Gingrich promised one.
  11. What will the space force uniforms look like?
  12. Who will write the official space force song?
  13. What will a space force challenge coin look like?
  14. Where will the headquarters for the space force be?
  15. Did Trump get this idea from Star WarsStar TrekStarship Troopers, or some combination of the three?
  16. When will the US send its first space force member go to space?
  17. People who serve in the Army are soldiers. People who serve in the Navy are sailors. People who serve in the Marines are Marines. People who serve in the Air Force are airmen. But what will we call people who serve in the space force — space cadets?
  18. Will troops in the new service wear space helmets?
  19. Will there be a separate department for the space force, or will it fall under another service (like how the Marine Corps falls under the Department of the Navy)?
  20. Trump has yet to visit American troops in Iraq or Afghanistan. Will he visit troops in space?
  21. How will the space force interact with NASA?
  22. Whom should I call to answer all my questions? Seriously: The Pentagon and Air Force are barely answering any questions.
  23. What should we call the military official in charge of the space force? The Space Commander? Master Space? Supreme Space Leader? Darth Commander? Master Jedi? El Jefe del Espacio?
  24. What will be the first space force acquisition project to go completely over budget and take forever to be used? My guess is an X-wing-style fighter.
  25. Does Trump want a Death Star? He totally wants a Death Star. You know he does.

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