Saturday, August 25, 2018

Criminal GOP Congressman Tosses His Wife Under Bus

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-California) and his wife have been accused of a felony crime. They used funds donated to his campaign as their personal piggy bank -- to the turn of more than $250,000. He can't plead that he did not know the law, because he is serving his fourth term in Congress (having been elected in 2008), and followed his father in that position (who had served many years). He had to know that campaign funds cannot be used for personal expenses.

But true to his Republican roots, he denied his guilt. His first defense was to try and copy his hero, Donald Trump (Hunter was the second congressman to jump on the Trump bandwagon in 2016 -- the first being Rep. Chris Collins, who has also been charged with criminal behavior). Hunter tried to claim that he was accused by the "deep state".

That didn't fly, because the prosecutors have plenty of evidence showing how much money Hunter and his wife spent, and where that money came from. So, he has now come up with a new defense. He says his wife is to blame. He claims his wife was in charge of the campaign funds, and he was not aware she was dipping into those funds to pay personal expenses. That's ludicrous! How can you not know that a quarter of a million dollars was not coming out of your personal bank account?

Hunter's wife has also been charged, but that does not excuse his own criminal behavior. It was his own campaign funds that were being spent, and it was his responsibility to know how those funds were being used.

Trying to put all of the blame on his wife represents a new low for Republicans caught with their hand in the till. What kind of husband (claiming to be a family values christian) would do that?

It also represents a new low among criminals in general. I served nearly three decades is various aspects of law enforcement, working with hundreds of criminals, and none of them ever tried to blame their crimes on their spouses. Far from it. They defended their spouses (even when they were also guilty).

Hunter is not just a criminal. He is selfish and misogynistic. He has earned, and richly deserves, an extended sentence in a federal prison.

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