Friday, September 21, 2018

Support For Kavanaugh Confirmation Is Very Weak

Reuters / Ipsos Poll (September 11-17) -- 2,196 adults (2 point moe)
Economist/YouGov Poll (September 16-18) -- 1,500 adults (2.8 point moe)
Gallup Poll (September 10-16) -- 1,508 adults (3 point moe)
Morning Consult Poll (September 13-16) -- 1,564 registered voters (2 point moe)
Quinnipiac University Poll (September 6-9) -- 1,038 voters (3.7 point moe)

As you can see from the polls above, the public support for the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to sit on the Supreme Court is very weak. The public is not sure at all that Kavanaugh should be confirmed.

In fact, his support is lower than any Supreme Court nominee since Robert Bork (who was rejected by the Senate) -- and that's before Kavanaugh was accused of attempted rape of a 15 year-old while in high school.

The victim (Dr. Christine Blasey Ford) has requested an FBI investigation before testifying. She knows that lying to the FBI is against the law, but is not afraid of what the FBI might find. She has already come forward in spite of knowing how viciously she would be treated (and indeed has already received death threats), in addition to passing a lie detector test, and evidence of her telling about the attack to a marriage counselor back in 2012.

None of that matters to the protectors of the Corporate White Patriarchy (in this case, Republican senators). They have gone out of their way to block any investigation by the FBI. They have also refused to call as witnesses any people who could verify the victim's story. They are adamant that they will allow nothing but testimony by Ford and Kavanaugh, and that must happen Monday (without any investigation).

That will make it easier for them to demonize the victim and whitewash Kavanaugh -- which is exactly what they plan to do. They don't care about justice, ethics, or morality. They only care about putting someone on the court that will protect their criminal president, allow corporations to continue their rape of the country, and vote to keep the dominance of White males in our society.

But with the midterm election growing ever closer, they may be playing with fire. While Kavanaugh's support remains weak, support for Dr. Ford is growing stronger with each passing day. They already have a deficit among female voters, and their current actions may make that even worse. At the very least, it will re-energize anti-Republican voters.

The letters below are indicative of the growing support for Dr. Ford.

The first is from 23 members of her high school class.

The second is from 1.039 alumni from her high school.

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