Friday, September 21, 2018

Too Often The Truth

1 comment:

  1. SOOOO UNTRUE!!!! Love it when someone blames others for the problems.
    How many doc would stay in business if they told their patients to suck it up for the pain?? The drugs for various problems work! It aint the doc's fault if the patient is an idiot!
    Teachers don't brainwash kids (that for the religious aholes to do) but they are not given the time or resources to teach properly and so many parents would be screaming if kids were taught much better.
    I have no use for cops myself, but I would not want their job. Yes there are some that are very bad and they should be punished and stopped, as should their supervisors that let them get away with it. But in 70yrs I never met a cop that was eager to shoot some dude in the back.


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