Monday, October 08, 2018

New Poll Has Cruz Leading O'Rourke By 6 Points

This chart reflects the results of the new CBS News / YouGov Poll -- done between October 2nd and 5th of a sample of 1,031 registered likely Texas voters, with a margin of error of 3.9 points.

It shows that Cruz is leading by 6 points. Democrats shouldn't be disheartened though. This poll is of likely voters, and the likely voter model is based on past midterm elections. I think this election will be different than the 2014 or 2010 elections, with a significantly larger turnout.

If that is true, then the election is probably closer than the poll shows. It will be tough, but if there's a very large turnout from the Valley, in urban areas, and among young voters, O'Rourke could win.

VOTE! And make sure your friends and family vote!

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