Saturday, July 25, 2020

Governors Suffering Because They Took Trump's Advice

The chart above shows the results of a SurveyMonkey Poll. They questioned 16,832 adults in Arizona (moe 3.5 points), 44,440 adults in Florida (moe 2.5 points), 12,883 adults in Georgia (moe 4 points), and 49,377 adults in Texas (moe 2.5 points) between May 11th and July 19th.

The charts shows the Republican governors in all four states have suffered by following Trump's advice to reopen their economies before the Coronavirus was controlled. All of the governors now show a disapproval much higher than approval over their handling of the virus -- by 26 points in Arizona, 18 points in Florida, 11 points in Georgia, and 11 points in Texas.

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