Thursday, September 17, 2020

8 Charts Showing Trump's Damage To U.S. Reputation


The charts above are from the Pew Research Center. This Summer, they questioned residents of 13 developed nations (Canada, France, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, South Korea, Japan, and Australia). These nations have been considered allies of the United States, and in the past, they have respected this country.

Donald Trump has changed that. The favorable view of the United States has plunged in all those countries, and in all but one (South Korea), the favorable view has dropped below 50%. 

And the view of Trump has dropped even further. He is the least respected leader of the major nations -- finishing behind both Putin (Russia) and Xi (China).

These countries also view the United States as having done the worst job in controlling the Coronavirus.

1 comment:

  1. I trust the trumpig 100%...he will do the most wickedly, st00pid thing possible and LIE!!!


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