Saturday, December 19, 2020

Russia Does A Cyberattack On U.S. - Trump Says Nothing

It has always been puzzling as to why Donald Trump has been so easy on Russia. We know he admires Putin, but it has to be more than that. He has cut Russia slack that he would not do for any other country.

One of his first acts as president was to invite Russian officials to the Oval Office, and while they were there, he blurted out a military secret.

He has refused to believe that Russia interfered with the 2016 election, and even said that he doesn't think Russia did it (even though all U.S. Intelligence agencies say they did).

He tried to remove sanctions put on Russia by Congress and the previous administration, and had to be stopped by Congress from doing it.

He delayed and then would not sanction Russia for a killing in Great Britain -- and did nothing when Russia tried to poison a Putin opponent.

Then he did nothing when Russia placed a bounty on U.S./ soldiers.

Now we have what may be the worst charge against Russia -- that they launched a cyberattack on the United States. They attacked 40 entities in this country -- half were private companies (mostly cybersecurity companies) and the other half were government agencies (including the agency in charge of our stockpile of nuclear weapons). And officials aren't sure we've discovered all of the attacks, or how much damage was done.

What has Trump said about the attack by Russia? NOTHING! What has Trump done about it? NOTHING!

Once again, we are left to wonder why. Is Trump afraid Russia will call in his debts (the loans they funneled to him through a German Bank)? Or is it worse? Is a a "useful idiot" or "fellow traveler"?

We need to know. Trump is leaving this country defenseless against Russian actions. We cannot get him out of the White House fast enough!

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