Monday, August 09, 2021

There Is No Right To Endanger Public Health

The chart above is from the Kaiser Family Foundation. 

There is currently a resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. The number of new cases is rising in every state, and spiking in most. And Dr. Fauci predicts we could easily double the current number of new cases.

The chart shows why this is happening. There's an incredibly small number of new cases and deaths among those who have been vaccinated. The pandemic is resorting because too many Americans have refused to be vaccinated -- and these people are endangering the nation's public health.

Many of them will tell you that they are just exercising their right to refuse the vaccination. They seem to think they have a constitutional right to endanger the heal of the nation. They are wrong! There is no such right.

Courts have held that the government has the right (and duty) to act to protect the public health of the nation. And they do it in many ways. School children are required to be vaccinated for many diseases to protect the nation's health. And we have traffic laws, car safety requirements, and required insurance to protect the public health.

Currently, about 160,000,000 people have been fully vaccinated in the United States. That sounds like a lot, but the resurgence of the virus shows us it is not enough. We need another 80,000,000 people to be vaccinated before we can approach herd immunity and begin to get control of the virus.

The public's health demands that we get control of the virus and stamp it out. No one has the right to prevent that by refusing to be vaccinated.

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