Thursday, December 23, 2021

2021 U.S. Population Growth Was Historically Small

The U.S. Census Bureau has released statistics for 2021. Those stats showed the United States growth for the year was estimated to be the slowest percentage growth in the nation's history -- and it marked the first time since 1937 that the country grew by less than a million people.

Why did this happen? It was a mixture of three things. 1. Deaths are up (thanks to COVID-19 and the country's poor reaction to it). 2. Births are down. 3. Immigration is down.

Right-wingers may think this is a good thing, but it's not. With millions of baby boomers retiring, business needs to replace them -- and there's simply not enough people to do that without help from immigration (or a marked increase in the birth rate -- which is not going to happen).

Like it or not, we need more immigration to this country -- not less. And this is especially true of the dirty, dangerous, and low-wage jobs (the jobs most Americans don't want).

We need to stop demonizing immigrants, and provide them a path to become full members of our society.

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