Friday, June 10, 2022

220 Corporate CEOs Send Open Letter To Senate On Guns

The following open letter was sent to the U.S. Senate from over 220 cooperate CEO's:

Dear Members of the Senate:

We, the undersigned CEOs, represent American companies from across the country. Like you, we continue to bear witness to the toll of America’s gun violence epidemic and its impact on our communities. Our country needs you to take bold urgent action to address our gun violence epidemic.

In recent weeks our country has been forced to reckon with the killings at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, the equally horrifying events at the Tops market in Buffalo, and the 14 additional mass shootings that took place in just the ten days between the two. These shootings have destroyed families and communities, shaken our country and highlighted the lack of action from the US Senate.

Mass shootings like these represent just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to our country’s gun violence epidemic. You have surely seen the statistics: On average, more than 110 people are shot and killed in the United States every day, and more than 200 others are shot and wounded. These shootings happen in homes and at cookouts, in schools and houses of worship, in local businesses and big box stores, and on the streets our children travel every day. Among the affected are our employees, our customers, and the communities we work in. And our kids: guns are now the leading cause of death among children and teens. Each death means another empty chair at the dinner table, another empty seat in the church pew or the classroom, another worker missing on the assembly line.

Taken together, the gun violence epidemic represents a public health crisis that continues to devastate communities – especially Black and Brown communities – and harm our national economy. All of this points to a clear need for action: the Senate must take urgent action to pass bold gun safety legislation as soon as possible in order to avoid more death and injury.

On top of the human toll is a profound economic impact. At a time when our economy is struggling to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, gun violence costs American taxpayers, employers and communities a staggering $280 billion per year. Employers lose $1.4 million every day in productivity and revenue, and costs associated with victims of gun violence. Communities that experience gun violence struggle to attract investment, create jobs, and see economic growth.

We urge the Senate to take immediate action. Gun violence can be prevented. Our families, our communities, and our places of business are depending on you. Stand with us and the American public. Put the safety of your constituents and their children first. Transcend partisanship and work together to pass bold legislation to address gun violence in our country. 

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