Tuesday, August 22, 2023

"No Labels" Is Just A GOP Scam To Re-Elect Donald Trump

There is a movement to run a third candidate for president in the 2024 movement. Those backing this call themselves the No Labels movement.

The idea is that they think the American people deserve a different choice that President Biden or Donald Trump. They have said they would field a candidate that would appeal to voters in both political parties and Independents. 

Current thinking has it that the candidate would be Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia. Manchin has recently said he is considering becoming an Independent instead of staying in the Democratic Party. Leaving his current party would be a first step in becoming the No Labels candidate.

Is this movement truly a moderate one designed to elect a candidate? NO!

Consider where all of the money supporting this movement is coming from -- big Republican donors!

The truth is that these Republican donors know that Donald Trump is the likely GOP candidate. They don't dislike Trump -- they just don't think he could win in a head-to-head match-up with President Biden.

Their solution is to run a conservative Democrat as a third candidate. They know that the third candidate (most likely Joe Manchin) would have no chance of winning the election. They are hoping though that the candidate could take enough votes away from Biden to give Trump a legitimate chance to win -- if not the popular vote, then the Electoral College (like he did in 2016).

To be blunt, the No Labels movement is nothing more than a scam by rich Republicans to get Trump elected. Don't fall for it!

A vote for No Labels is more than a wasted vote -- it is a vote for Donald Trump!

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