Friday, February 23, 2024

Are Republicans Trying To Lose The 2024 Election?

The more I see from today's Republican Party, the more I think they are trying to lose the next election. How else could one explain their actions?

To start with, they are in the process of choosing the worst possible candidate - Donald Trump. He lost the 2020 election by at least 7 million votes, and is likely to lose the next election by even a larger margin.

Some of you may be thinking that he is doing well in the polls (and even seems to be ahead in some). But this is very early for presidential polls. Most voters aren't engaged in electoral politics yet - at least not the moderate Independents that will determine who the winner will be. Trump's cult members will vote for him and Democrats won't. And when it is time for Independents to decide, they will break against him - just like they did in 2020. 

Americans don't want Trump with his legal problems, his anti-democracy views, his support for Putin, his opposition to Ukrainian democracy, and his opposition to NATO. Voters know Trump will make the world a more dangerous place.

But it is not just choosing a bad candidate. Republicans have an agenda that voters don't like and most will not support.

* Republicans want more tax cuts for the rich and corporations. Most voters think these entities already pay too little.

* Republicans want to keep millions of workers in poverty by keeping the minimum wage at a poverty level ($7.25 an hour). Most voters want the minimum wage raised.

* Republicans want to cut funding and/or raise the retirement age for Social Security. The American people don't want either to happen.

* Republicans want to create a nationwide ban on abortion. Most voters want to bring back Roe vs. Wade.

* Many Republicans in Congress want to cut off aid to Ukraine. Most voters want to continue aid to Ukraine to save their democracy from Putin.

* As the Republican-dominate House has shown, the GOP wants to use impeachments and fake investigations to further political goals. Most Americans don't like that.

* Republicans want to ban books and the teaching of real history (especially the history of nonwhites in the United States. Most voters oppose book banning and rewriting of history.

* Republicans want to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Most Americans now support it, and would like to see it improved to cover more people and control medical costs.

* Most Republicans want to cut government help to the poor and working classes. Most Americans are not that hard-hearted.

* Republicans want to weaken unions and make it harder for workers to create them. Most Americans support unions (and know it was unions that created the U.S. middle class).

The Republicans had one issue that was working for them -- the immigration mess at the southern border. But when Democrats agreed to a bill that gave Republicans most of what they have been asking for to control the border, they changed their minds (at the request of Trump) and killed the bill. They just want to campaign on the border mess -- not fix it!

How do they expect to win by choosing Trump and supporting an agenda most people don't want? Maybe they are trying to lose -- knowing that a disastrous election would be the only way they could rid themselves of Trump and save their party from his MAGA supporters. Otherwise, what they are doing just doesn't make any sense. 

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