Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Democrats Must Unite Behind Biden To Defeat Trump


The Democratic Party voters overwhelmingly chose President Joe Biden to be their nominee in the 2024 election. And even though Biden had a bad debate, most of them are still on the Biden bandwagon. So are party leaders. Sen Schumer, Rep. Pelosi, Rep. Clyde, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Jeffries, and others have all made it clear they are backing the president. Add to this the fact that President Biden has made it very clear that he's staying in the race.

Sadly, there are still some fair-weather Democrats and media whiners that want Biden to withdraw from the race. They don't think he can beat Trump in November. But they are not helping to keep Trump out of the White House. It makes no sense to abandon the nominee and choose someone else just four months before the election. They are just dividing the party and making it more likely that Trump can win (even though most Americans don't want him).

I think both sides can agree that the most important issue in this election is making sure Trump can't win. He's just too crazy, and he would put our democracy in danger.

But there's only one way to defeat him. Democrats must unite behind the candidate the voters chose - Joe Biden. And they must fight and work hard to see Biden re-elected.

Biden is our nominee! Don't fight him - support him!

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