Monday, September 09, 2024

The Facts Vs. Trump's Ridiculous Lies


The charts are from

Donald Trump has no regard for the truth, and that is evident in his campaign. His campaign is full of lies.

He tells us that he presided over a great economy - much better that the economy under President Biden. Of course, the opposite is true. In both GDP growth and job creation, Trump's numbers trail Biden's - even when the effect of COVID is figured in.

He tells us that his presidency was better formal production. But in every year of his presidency, there was a negative on oil exports (exports minus imports). It is only in the Biden Administration that exports were finally greater than imports.

He tells us that violent crime was low during his term, and has exploded during Biden's term. But violent crime has been lower in every year under Biden than in any year under Trump.

And he wants to blame undocumented immigrants for most crime in the country. But undocumented immigrants commit less crimes than legal immigrants - and far less than U.S.-born citizens.

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