Wednesday, March 29, 2006

You gotta be kidding!

It's not often I find myself shouting at the TV screen, but last night was definitely one of those nights. Speaking about the immigration bill that has sparked nationwide protests, Bush acted like a giddy teenage girl while talking about the "tamper-proof" identification cards that will be given to temporary workers.

I simply chuckled to myself at his first mention of the cards, but as he kept repeating the words "tamper-proof," my blood started to boil. Finally, after the fifth or sixth mention, I was on my feet.

"What fucking planet are you on, Georgie?!" I yelled. "Tamper-proof ID cards my ass! It's about as hard to tamper with an ID as it is to counterfeit money! I'll bet your cards aren't on the street for a full day before one is 'adjusted' to fit someone's needs! What a jackass!"

Realizing that Georgie's stupidity is nothing new, I calmed down and took my seat again. I mean, hell, living in Texas, I've had to put up with this man for half of my life. I shouldn't be surprised at his lack of common sense.

I should have changed the channel, though, because when he started talking about how easy it will be for cardholders to go back and forth across the border, I was right back on my feet again.

"Oh, come on! I've crossed the border, and even as a citizen with a valid ID, I didn't find it to be an easy or pleasant experience! Yeah, sure Georgie, it may make it easier crossing if they hire a COYOTE to bring them back! Fuck!"

I don't know how the hell he does it, but Georgie certainly has mastered the art of bringing the bitch out of me!


  1. I had a debate with the guy supposedly running the Harris County Democratic Committee discussing the language and framing issues.

    I am also working for a candidate and gave her a 100-word elevator speech for the issue.

    Finally the Chronicle is considering a red v. blue debate blog and that was the first question. (Doubt it will happen, I was the one pushing them and lined up a conservative but she may be too busy and I suspect they think it will get out of hand or be swarmed with comments. Also Dwight has never liked my style, or maybe it is my typos.)

    My emphasis for Democrats:

    1 - The rule of law

    2 - Promoting real family values

    3 - Legal immigration, not illegal

    4 - Efficient and competent government

    5 - Promoting and protecting health services

    6 - A crackdown on corrupt exploiting companies

    7 - Promoting and protecting the security of the country

    8 - Pointing out that the GOP control in Texas and the nation has made matters worse.

  2. My actually live in the state Bush hails from and put up with his condolences.

  3. cul,

    Much appreciated. Indeed, the times have been tough. But I feel the need to to send the condolences back. We both have to live with Georgie now, but you have the added burden of Jeb. My heart goes out to you.


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