Monday, July 17, 2006

A Proper Use Of Barry Manilow's Music

At the risk of pissing off all the Barry Manilow fans out there, I must admit that I never cared much for his music. Never really understood why anyone would like it. But it looks like a suburb of Sydney, Australia has found a good use for Manilow's music [and the music of Doris Day].

It seems that at Cook Park Reserve in suburban Rockdale, they have a problem with car enthusiasts gathering on weekend nights. In an effort to discourage these gatherings, the Council in Rockdale has authorized the playing of Barry Manilow and Doris Day songs at high volume in the park. The crazy part is that it works. The music is played from 9:00pm until midnight every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. They have been doing this for four weeks now, and Mayor Bill Saravinovski says, "It seems to be working."

The only drawback is that the resident's around the park are starting to complain. Officials won't stop the Manilow music, but they have agreed to turn the volume down a bit.

Who could have guessed that Barry Manilow's music could be the solution to one of society's problems? Although, I am glad I don't live near that park.


  1. Thanks for your help. I have a friend in Duluth, MN who is a huge Manilow fan, and had to email your post to her. Just couldn't control myself.

    I think that I'm off of her Christmas card list. Again. :)

  2. Eh, it'd probably just be a Xmas card with Manilow on it anyways, so it may not be that big a loss.

    I can say in all honesty that if I were hanging out anyplace that was blaring his music, I'd run for my dear sweet life. There would be no worries about my loitering in that particular spot ever again!

    Every time I hear Manilow's name though, I'm reminded of The Breakfast Club scene where the principal was asked if he stole his wardrobe form Barry Manilow.

    Obviously, I'm a child of the 80s.


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