Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Tories Are Still With Us

When we think of 1776 today, our heroes are those rebels who stepped up to create and defend a new nation. On our nation's birthday, it is only proper that we celebrate the memory of these brave Patriots. Because of the courage, endurance, and foresight of these first Patriots, we live in a free country today.

But the Patriots and the British weren't the only people in America at the time. There was another group of people that we would rather not think about - the Tories. These people remained loyal to King George when he curtailed the rights of Americans. These people remained loyal to King George when he imposed unfair taxes. These people even remained loyal to King George after he began to kill their fellow Americans. Most modern Americans view them with shame and disgust, if they remember them at all.

And yet, the Tories are still with us. They have a new "King" George to worship, but they are involved in the same old beliefs. It does not matter that Georgie taxes his people unfairly by favoring the rich, they will follow him blindly. It does not matter that Georgie curtails the rights of Americans [sometimes illegally], they will follow him blindly. It does not matter that Georgie has blundered into the middle of a civil war that has killed over 2500 Americans, they will follow him blindly.

America has come a long way, not only because of those first rebels, but also because of those rebels that came later. But the progress has always been difficult, because there have always been Tories who fear progress and wish to reinstate the past. We must fight these people by electing candidates who believe in a future America with true equal rights. If we all stick together, maybe we can get rid of this Tory crap.

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