Thursday, August 17, 2006

Iraq Getting Worse - Not Better

In spite of White House platitudes and assurances, the war in Iraq just keeps getting worse. New figures released show the violence is increasing. In July, 3,438 Iraqis were killed and another 3,600 were wounded. That makes July the highest-casualty month since March of 2003.

Georgie and his cohorts would like for us to believe that progress is being made, but these figures show that is just not the truth. Even though 0ver 2600 American soldiers have died now in Iraq, the violence continues to worsen. Instead of going down the road toward victory, we seem to be stuck on a treadmill and getting nowhere.

I think even many Republicans now believe that invading Iraq was a blunder. A recent poll showed that 60% of the American people now believe the war was a mistake. Is it time to leave? Yes.

We are losing soldiers and accomplishing nothing positive in Iraq. Our puppet government is unable to effectively rule, or control the violence. The Iraqi government will not last if we pull out, and that may be a good thing. This is a government we have forced on the Iraqis, and that never works. The Iraqis must decide for themselves what kind of government they want. In spite of Georgie's beliefs, democracy cannot be spread with a gun. It must be chosen. I know some people think the Iraqis just had a fair and free election, but it is not true. How free is an election where the occupying power must approve candidates before they can appear on the ballot?

Since we are accomplishing nothing but further loss of life, it is time to withdraw from Iraq. This is not giving in to the terrorists. It is recognizing reality. Law enforcement is much more effective in controlling terrorism, than the military is. The military is great when fighting another country, but fails miserably when trying to fight a country-less movement. It is time to recognize the truth. It is time to bring our soldiers home, and let the Iraqis settle their own problems.

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