Thursday, August 10, 2006

Kinky/Bell/Grandma Tied For Last Place

Burnt Orange Report is reporting on the results of a new Rasmussen Poll, and unless you're a Perry supporter, it is not good news. Here is how the race stands according to Rasmussen:






Let's be honest here. If these numbers don't change, Perry will win his re-election bid. He has stayed around 35% in all the polls, and that support seems to be rock-solid. He has not polled less than 35% in any poll. Folks, 35% is a winning number. Even if Kinky, Bell, or Grandma were to get all of the 10% undecided voters, they would still be 7% behind Perry [35%-28%].

Either someone starts to make a dent in Perry's numbers, or this race is over. Any of the last-place trio would have to double their numbers to beat Perry.

Grandma may have a problem developing. Capitol Annex says Grandma has been using her staff of state employees to work on her campaign while on state time. This is illegal. Do the voters care? We don't know yet since this has just come out. If her campaign begins to implode because of this, it could change the whole dynamic of the governor's race. We'll just have to wait and see if it makes a difference.

But the main thing that needs to be done is to get Perry below that 35% mark. Until that is done, the other three are just vying to see who the most popular loser is.

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