Thursday, October 12, 2006

Barbs Aimed At Bell For Suggestion To Kinky

Up until a few days ago, Chris Bell kind of flew under the radar of this campaign. He has aimed shots at the other three main candidates, but received little back from them. But since his blunder of a couple of days ago, that seems to have changed.

Day before yesterday, Bell asked Kinky to drop out of the race and ask his supporters to vote for Bell. Of course, Kinky instantly turned him down, but the other candidates now sense a note of desperation in Bell's campaign and have begun to take some shots at him.

The Perry campaign has said that since getting $5 million for his campaign from a trial lawyer, Bell has gotten "too big for his britches". Perry spokesman, Robert Black said, "Chris Bell's desperate play to get Kinky out of the race was an uncommon showing of dramatic weakness. Chris Bell must think that just because he was willing to sell his campaign to the highest bidder, others might be equally as weak-kneed."

Grandma also jumped into the fray, saying it was inappropriate for one candidate to try and muscle another out of the race. She also said, "Everyone has a right to run for office, and everyone has a right to vote for the candidate of their choice. This election is not about the candidate's political future, it is about Texas' future. It appears that the only way Chris will be happy is if everyone but him gets out of the race."

Kinky's camp says the Bell blunder has energized his voters, and his website has been flooded with comments of support. To be honest, it was starting to look like Kinky's campaign was starting to run out of steam, but Bell has gotten the pot to boiling again. This may be just what Kinky needed to boost his campaign in the final few weeks.

I found it hard to believe that Bell even asked such a thing of Kinky, especially after all the accusations by the Bell campaign and supporters that Kinky was a racist. Even if Kinky did drop out for some reason, I do not think Bell would get many of his supporters. Many Kinky supporters are angry with Bell for the attacks, and some of them may even take it out on down-ballot Democrats. I hope not.

The Bell campaign likes to call Kinky and Grandma "marginal" candidates, but the fact is that Bell has yet to show that he can beat either of them [or even just hold his own base]. There are only three weeks of campaigning left. I doubt if even new TV ads can make up for begging an opponent to drop out of the race. People have to wonder now - does Bell think he can't win a four-way race?


  1. When the other candidates go after Chris Bell, I am reminded of the wisdom of a formerly-viable candidate who said, I think they're seeing that you do tackle the guy with the ball."

  2. Bell's request to Kinky was his polite way to lay the groundwork for a series of ads aimed at demonstrating that Kinky does not share traditional Democratic values.

    When Kinky begins to complain about the ads, which will feature some of Kinky's "colorful" satire on race and drugs and martial law, Bell will respond "well, I asked you to step aside and you said no."

    There is a segment of the Republican Party that is drawn to Kinky because of his more satirical statements, and most Democrats don't get Kinky brand of Negro jokes, so the ads will help Kinky with part of Kinky's demographic and it will move those other voters who don't fully appreciate Kinky humor away from Kinky.

    It's a win-win actually. More people who love Kinky's race jokes will rally to his cause and those who feel otherwise will choose another candidate.


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