Thursday, October 05, 2006

Conservatives "Bash" Gays To Cover Their Misdeeds

It's come out in the last few days, that the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives has been covering for a Republican child molester, for at least one year, and maybe for as long as three or more years. While the Republicans in the House run in circles and point fingers at each other, in an attempt to make themselves look better, many other right-wingers have taken to bashing Democrats and gays. Of course, this is ludicrous because this is a Republican mess, and has nothing to do with either Democrats or gays.

But right-wingers never worried much about the truth, only about getting votes. Since this mess with Foley could bring down their leadership, and cost them many votes, they'd love to place blame elsewhere. Tony Perkins [Family Research Council] said, "They discounted or downplayed earlier reports concerning Foley's behavior, probably because they did not want to appear 'homophobic'."

Don Wildmon [American Family Association], Gary Bauer [American Values], and Paul Weyrich [Free Congress Foundation], put out a joint statement saying, "We are very concerned that the early warnings of Mr. Foley's odd behavior toward young male pages may have been overlooked or treated with deference, fearing a backlash from the radical gay rights movement because of Mr. Foley's sexual orientation."

Although they have no proof at all, they have assumed that Republican leadership covered up the molestation, because they were afraid of a gay backlash. WHAT???? If so, then this is the only time they have worried about such a thing. Republicans bash gays all the time and have never worried about a backlash before.

Also, why should gays be upset at the outing of a child molester? I have never seen any gay group, including the more radical groups, that has ever, under any circumstances, supported child molestation. Just because this pervert liked his child victims to be male, does not make him gay. It simply makes him a molester who preferred male children over female children.

You just can't blame the gays for this one. This man is a Republican and a pervert, and that is all. I'm glad he resigned, and now its time for some others to resign, including Speaker Hastert. Stop trying to blame others, accept responsibility, and resign. That would be the decent thing to do.

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