Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Is Hutchison Afraid To Debate Radnofsky ?

It's sure beginning to look like Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison is afraid to debate her opponent, Barbara Ann Radnofsky. After ducking any debate for months, Radnofsky thought that she and Hutchison had finally come to an agreement. They were scheduled to debate in San Antonio on October 19th before a small live audience.

But now, Radnofsky has been contacted by the debate promoters, the League of Women Voters, and informed that Bush's lapdog, Hutchison, doesn't want to appear before a live audience. The League asked if Radnofsky would agree to a debate with no live audience on the same date. Of course, Radnofsky agreed saying, "I hope this latest round of new contract signing helps my opponent overcome her stage fright. We're hoping this will solve her first-debate jitters."

Now that Radnofsky has agreed to the new terms, what will Kay Bailey demand next? Maybe we could allow her to wear a mask, to avoid embarrassment when spouting the right-wing views of her masters, Bush and Cheney. Frankly, I can understand Hutchison's not wanting to appear before the public after the votes she has recently cast.

Hutchison was one of the senators that voted to allow torture, and also to suspend habeas corpus. Evidently, freedom is not nearly as important to Hutchison as killing brown people and stealing their oil.

Here is what Barbara Ann Radnofsky, the candidate representing sanity, had to say on these matters:

"...the United States' reputation and the lives of our service personnel and our everyday rights remain threatened. We must protect Americans, including those abroad who could be kidnapped, wrongly accused, imprisoned, held forever and denied the right to know the charges against them. We would not tolerate those kinds of abuses by any foreign hand. We cannot tolerate the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus by the United States.

The Senate majority and my opponent wrongly and massively changed American history by permitting coerced confessions, torture, and convictions based on such testimony. My opponent's embrace of perjury as a 'technicality' was a predictor that she would vote to further damage the stature and reputation of the United States of America.

We must protect our troops who could become POWs, subject to torture tactics embraced by my opponent. She has rubberstamped dangerous administration policies 95.6% of the time. Her statements and her vote threaten every Texan, every American, and our values.

Ordinary men and women, like my father and the fellow soldiers who saved his life as a POW, also saved the world for democracy in World War II. Massive wrongdoing and human experimentation and torture were exposed, and the world condemned and rejected the wrongdoing. Everyone who values the life of our service men and women and the democracy in which we live should reject perjury, coerced confessions, and torture."

That's telling it like it is! If you had Kay Bailey Hutchison's record, would you want to debate Barbara Ann Radnofsky?

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