Monday, October 09, 2006

Republican Leadership Should Resign

It looks like the Republican problems in the House of Representatives just keeps getting worse. Over the weekend, the Washington Post reported that Rep. Jim Kolbe [R-Ariz] had confronted Rep. Foley about his e-mails as far back as 2000, and notified House leadership.

This means the Republican leadership in the House has known about Foley's use of the page program as his own personal sexual hunting ground for AT LEAST SIX YEARS! Keeping Foley's seat Republican was more important for these guys, than the protection of children serving as pages. They were willing to let a child sexual predator keep on operating in Congress, and to cover for his despicable actions.

Some top Republicans did come out in support of Speaker Hastert this weekend. James Baker, George Bush, and George H.W. Bush all declared their support for the embattled speaker. Of couse, these men are just trying to cover for the present incompetent occupying the White House. They realize that if the Democrats take control of Congress, many of Georgie's criminal actions will be investigated, and there is a good chance of his impeachment. When faced with the possibility of his own crimes being exposed, Georgie and his friends have decided that covering for a child molester is not so bad after all.

But the American people don't agree. Decent people of all political persuasions are upset that a predator was allowed to operate for years in Congress after his perverted actions were known. It is time for Speaker Hastert, and any other leadership figures who knew about Foley but did nothing, to resign from their leadership positions. Those who cover for criminals are guilty of a crime, and those who cover for perverts must accept the responsibility for that pervert's actions. How many kids were harrassed and/or molested in the six years of the cover-up?

These men have shown us the depths they will go to, to protect themselves and their friends. If they will not take the decent high road and resign, then they should be voted out of office.

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