Monday, October 02, 2006

"Sex Police" Alive & Well In Texas

The United States Supreme Court said today that it will not hear a Texas case involving the promotion of sex toys among consenting adults. The case involves an adult bookstore employee in El Paso who showed a penis-shaped sex toy to two undercover officers, and told them it would heighten their sexual experience. They accused the employee of marketing an "obscene device", and arrested him.

An El Paso County court thought the law violated the right of adults to enjoy the toy in the privacy of their own lives, and tossed out the criminal complaint. However, the dunderheads on the 8th District of Texas Appeals Court disagreed, and they reinstated the criminal charge. They said the law against promoting obscene devices did not infringe on the right of adults to use these devices in the privacy of their own homes.

I fail to see the logic in their argument [probably because there is none]. It's OK to use the obscene device, but it's illegal for someone to sell you one. I really don't understand this one. How can it be illegal to sell you something that it is legal for you to use? Once again, Texas shows the world that it is perfectly happy with the 19th century, and has no plans to enter the 21st century.

The store's employee evidently did not understand these confusing laws either, and appealed the case to the United States Supreme Court. But with the right-wing fundies now in charge of the court, this proved to be a futile gesture. They simply refused to hear the case, letting the criminal charge stand.

I think all you open-minded people in Texas who actually enjoy sex and don't think it's something dirty, had better get a good lock for your bedroom door. This non-decision of the fundie court means the Sex Police are alive and well here in Texas. Who knows, you may be their next victim!

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