Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Blair Wants Allies To Talk With Iran And Syria

Bush has been demanding that Iran and Syria meet his pre-conditions before he will talk with them. He wants Iran to drop its nuclear program, and wants Syria to completely extricate itself from Lebanon. But he is losing support for his position.

Yesterday, Tony Blair, who is Prime Minister of our closest ally, Great Britain, said he thinks the Allies should be talking to Iran and Syria, and involving them in talks about solving the problems in Iraq. Blair said, "A major part of the answer in Iraq lies not within Iraq itself but outside it, in the whole of the region where the same forces are at work, where the roots of this global terrorism are to be found, where the extremism flourishes."

Blair correctly believes that most problems in the mideast stem from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Until that conflict is solved, the mideast will be in turmoil. Blair wants to see a "whole Middle East strategy", and that would have to involve discussions with Iran and Syria.

Blair is not the only one who believes this. Last week, James Baker also said he believed we should be talking with Iran and Syria. It is believed that the recommendation will also be included in the report the Baker Committee is preparing for Bush.

It is just common sense that you cannot solve a problem with another party, if you will not even talk to the other party. But then, common sense has never been Bush's strong suit. Let's hope he listens to Baker and Blair.

1 comment:

  1. Its still puzzling to me as to why Blair supported Bush so steadfastly down the rathole that has become Iraq. I mean we all know what a dangerous moron Bush is, but Blair has appeared to always be so intelligent regarding most things, then to throw his lot with the neocons regarding Iraq--it just doesn't make sense.



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