Friday, November 10, 2006

Houston Business Refuses Gay Customers

Until recently, Garden Guy was a small Houston landscaping business that was unknown outside the area. But with one e-mail, they have angered gays and others around the world, and embarrassed millions of their fellow Texans.

It all started a few weeks ago, when a gay couple in Houston was seeking bids for landscaping at their new home. Garden Guy sent the couple an e-mail that said, "I need to tell you that we cannot meet with you because we choose not to work for homosexuals."

Naturally, this upset the gay couple, and they sent e-mails to 200 friends asking them to boycott the business. Because of the internet, the story had soon spread around the world, and the Garden Guy web site was flooded with complaints.

The owners of Garden Guy say they are just exercising their right to choose their customers. That is as stupid as it sounds. Businesses do not choose their customers. Customers choose the business. Isn't the purpose of advertising to get customers to choose a business?

I know the owners are trying to use their fundamentalist religion as a justification for their discrimination, but that doesn't make it right. What if their religious discrimination excluded couples because of race, ethnicity or age? Would it still be OK? Of course not!

One thing is sure -- the people of Houston have a right not to use the services of this business. I urge all decent people in the Houston area to boycott this bigoted business.

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