Monday, November 06, 2006

Kinky Can Win If We Do Our Part

The above poll, borrowed from the Kinky Friedman web site, shows the results of a mid-October poll in 1998 on the Minnesota governor's race. Anyone looking at this poll would know that Jesse Ventura didn't stand a chance. Someone polling only 15% that late in the race couldn't possibly be elected governor. But the voters in Minnesota must not read the polls, because they turned out in large numbers and elected Jesse Ventura their governor.

Does that remind you of a candidate in the 2006 Texas governor's race? Everywhere Kinky goes, he is greeted by large crowds and enthusiastic supporters, but the major parties and major media would like for you to believe he doesn't stand a chance. Thus they trumpet widely differing polls in an effort to get Kinky supporters to give up. Don't believe them!

Jesse's supporters ignored the polls and elected him governor. Kinky's supporters could do the same. Kinky said he would need around a 40% turnout to win, much larger than 2002's 29% turnout. Now we hear from the Secretary of State that he's expecting around 36%. That's approaching the right territory.

Kinky could really win this race! But only if we all get off our butts and get to the polls and vote. Do this one last thing for Kinky and for Texas -- VOTE. You'll be glad you did.

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