Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rumsfeld Ousted After Democratic Victory

What a difference a day makes! Yesterday, Georgie told Americans that it would be wrong to get rid of Donald Rumsfeld, because he was needed to continue the war in Iraq. But that was before the results of the election were known.

Last night, the Democrats took control of Congress. Today Georgie announced that Rumsfeld is resigning. He said that he and Rumsfeld agreed that the war was not going well enough and that a "fresh perspective" was needed. What gave Georgie and Rumsfeld this sudden flash of insight? The American people did.

Americans made it very clear that they don't like this war, think it never should have happened, and want out of it as soon as possible. Georgie can't admit he was wrong [one of his character flaws] and start extricating the U.S. from the war, so he makes Rumsfeld his scapegoat.

I have not been one calling for Rumsfeld's resignation. I don't think he's done a good job, but I believe that the real problems lie with his bosses -- Georgie and Dickie [Cheney]. No real progress will be made until they leave office.

I won't miss Rumsfeld a bit. He was a disaster. However, I will be counting the minutes until Georgie and Dickie also have to leave.

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