Friday, December 08, 2006

71% Unhappy With Bush's Handling Of Iraq War

For the last few days, all the news media have been talking about is the new report from the Iraq Study Group. The Group, made up of both Democrats and Republicans, made a bipartisan finding that we are not winning in Iraq and cannot win using current tactics. They have recommended a change in the way we're fighting the war, and want to start withdrawing trrops by Spring of 2008.

Now there is a new AP-Ipsos poll, that shows the huge majority of the American people agree with them. According to the poll, a whopping 71% of the population are dissatisfied with the way Bush is handling the war. This is the highest percentage to date that believe this. Only 27% of Americans approve of Bush's handling of the war [down from 31% in November].

Even more telling, only 9% of Americans believe a clear-cut victory can be achieved in Iraq. 87% believe there will have to be some sort of compromise settlement.

Obviously, this cuts the legs out from under Bush's declaration that we will stay in Iraq until we achieve victory. With his own Iraq Study Group and the huge majority of the American people unhappy with his handling of the war, a person might think that Bush would change direction on Iraq.

But anyone who believes that just doesn't know much about Bush. This is not a man who can admit he made a mistake. His messianic zeal will compel him to "stay the course". Of course, he will no longer call it that, but that is what he will do.

The only way the troops will be withdrawn before a new president is installed, is if Bush is impeached. Bush is convinced it is his god-given mission to force an American-style democracy on Iraq, whether they want it or not. I don't think he would change if 99% of Americans wanted him to do so.

Come on Democrats, let's get this impeachment started -- the sooner the better.

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