Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Bloggers back Truitt Down On Libel Bill

On November 13th, Rep. Vicki Truitt of Keller introduced a bill for the next Texas legislative session. The bill seemed to be a direct shot at bloggers, making them subject to libel laws [which they already are], but stripping them of protections normally given to other media outlets.

Bloggers were quick to respond. They began to slam Truitt and her ridiculous bill. Among the blogs slamming the bill were:

Capitol Annex
Dallas Progress
In the Pink Texas
Bay Area Houston
Brains and Eggs
The Agency Blog
Dallas Blog

Rep. Truitt has now backed down and will withdraw the bill. She now says all she meant to do was prevent people such as angry spouses from posting personal material that could result in someone identity being stolen. She said her bill was not aimed at bloggers.

Truitt said she will introduce a new bill aimed at preventing identity theft, without being so broad as to be viewed as an attack on bloggers.

Way to go guys! That was a bill that needed to be shot down, and you guys did it. Whatever she meant for the bill to do, it could easily have been used as an attack tool on the blogs the way it was written.

I couldn't be prouder of my fellow bloggers today.

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