Monday, December 11, 2006

Just How Stupid Are La Vega School Administrators ?

In the last few years since the advent of "zero tolerance", we have seen school officials across the state and across the country make some pretty ridiculous decisions. But the decision made last week by the La Vega School District administrators may be the worst yet. The La Vega School District is just outside Waco.

The mentally-challenged administrators of the La Vega district have suspended a four-year-old child for "inappropriate physical behavior interpreted as sexual contact and/or sexual harassment". They say that while he was hugging a teacher's aide he "rubbed his face in the chest of the female employee".

The first question that popped into my mind was how many four-year-olds even know what "sexual harassment and/or sexual contact" means? I think the answer is probably NONE.

So we are left with the fact that these brain-dead administrators have punished a four-year-old for something he doesn't have the sophistication to understand, and didn't know was inappropriate [if it even was inappropriate for a child that age]. This black mark on the child's "permanent record" was certainly undeserved.

The child's father was upset and said his child doesn't understand why he was punished. [Neither do I!] The father filed a complaint with the district. How did the district answer his complaint? They changed the offense to "inappropriate physical contact". Give me a break! This answer is clearly inadequate.

Ever since the right-wing fundamentalists started taking over school boards across the country, we have seen more and more ridiculous actions of this nature. It's time to hit them where it hurts -- in the pocketbook. This father needs to get the greediest lawyer he can find and turn him loose.

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