Sunday, December 10, 2006

Should The "N-Word" Be Banned ?

A couple of weeks ago, comedian Michael Richards lashed out at some Black customers of the Laugh Factory by repeatedly using the work "nigger" to demean them. The incident justifiably caused an uproar across the nation.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, both of whom I respect and support, have called for everyone, regardless of race or ethnicity, to cease using the word. Since Richard's outburst in his club, Laugh Factory owner Jamie Masada has banned use of the word by comedians appearing in his club.

But the Black owner of the Comedy Union, also in Los Angeles, has stepped forward to defend free speech. Enss Mitchell is welcoming comics who use the word. He says, "Someone had to stand up for comics and freedom of speech has to rule the day. No matter if you agree or disagree with what someone says, you have to allow them the opportunity to say it....I just wanted to make the point that it's a slippery slope when anyone wants to start banning a word."

Personally, I don't like the word and don't use it in my daily life. It has racist connotations and it would please me if no one ever chose to use the word again. But Mr. Mitchell is right. It must be a personal choice whether to use any word such as this or not. Banning the word does put us on the slippery slope of possibly losing our most important freedom -- the freedom of speech.

It is easy to protect speech that we like. It is much harder to protect speech that offends us. But if we ban speech that offends us, soon we'll be banning ideas that offend us -- then we'll no longer be free. It is an absolute must for a free country to have free speech.

I agree with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton that we as citizens should each choose not to use this word, but it would be wrong to ban the word.

After all, if you are never offended by the speech of another, then you don't live in a free country.

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