Monday, June 04, 2007

14 US Soldiers Killed In Iraq In The Last Three Days

Both the Republicans and Democrats should be ashamed of themselves as they continue to play political games over the war in Iraq. Because while they treat the war as a political argument, things get steadily worse for our soldiers over there.

April was the fourth bloodiest month for our soldiers since the start of Bush's war. But the violence got even worse in May. Last month, there were 127 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq, making it the third bloodiest month for our troops.

Now it looks like June may be even worse. In the first three days of June, 14 U.S. soldiers have been killed. There have now been 3,494 U.S. military casualties in Iraq. And what has been accomplished?

Other than the removal of Saddam Hussein (who was the only thing keeping the peace in Iraq), the only thing we have accomplished is:

- started an extremely violent civil war that kills thousands each month.
- created millions of Iraqi refugees who have fled their country in terror because no one will protect them.
- installed a puppet government that has already demonstrated it cannot control the country.
- created ill will toward the U.S. around the world because of our unneccessary invasion and unjust occupation of Iraq.

Surely this was not the desired result! But then, except to steal Iraq's oil resources, I don't know what the desired result was. Did Bush and his buddies really think they could force American-style democracy on another country at the point of a gun? Anyone with eyes can see that we have probably insured that Iraq will become a theocracy -- not a democracy.

If there was the slightest hope of protecting the Iraqi people or actually creating a democracy there, then it might be worth leaving our troops there for a while, but there isn't. Even with 150,000 troops there, we are not able to protect the Iraqi citizens, and any hope for a democracy to survive there is just a pipe-dream.

It is time for Democrats and Republicans to stop playing their political games with the lives of Americans (and Iraqis). Cut off all funds for this war immediately and force Bush to bring our troops home -- all of them. Don't leave a single U.S. soldier in Iraq!

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