Thursday, July 05, 2007

Where Are The Real Conservatives ?

I read an interesting post yesterday over at Texas Liberal. He made the assertion that Barry Goldwater was the impetus for the re-emergence of conservatism, and was responsible for the mess we now find ourselves in with Bush and Cheney.

I love Texas Liberal as a blog, read it regularly and consider it's author to be a friend. However, I have to disagree with him on this subject. While Goldwater was the impetus for the re-emergence of conservatism, he is not responsible for the modern bastardization of conservatism. I give Ronald Reagan credit for that.

During the Reagan era, the conservative movement was co-opted by two groups whose views have little to do with traditional conservatism -- the neocons and the theocons. They took over the Republican party and have virtually shoved out the real conservatives.

Real conservatives, including Goldwater, believe in the Constitution, but the neocons do not. To them the Constitution is just a tool to be used when convenient and discarded when it would prohibit what they want to do.

Real conservatives believe in a small federal government, but the neocons (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, DeLay, etc.) don't mind a large federal government at all. In fact, I think they prefer it so they can use it to press their agenda upon the world. Neocons believe they can impose their beliefs on others by military means (so they can enrich themselves and their corporate buddies). Real conservatives believe our military should only be used in self-defense.

Neocons believe it is acceptable to spy on Americans and trash their civil rights to achieve their goals. Real conservatives believe the federal government should respect the rights of ordinary citizens and stay out of their lives.

The theocons (Bush, Brownback, Robertson, Falwell, etc.) are just as bad. They are also willing to use the Constitution as a tool to help accomplish their goals, but in the final analysis they really want to replace it with the Bible. They want to replace our democracy with a theocracy.

Real conservatives oppose the mixing of church and state, because they know that religious tyranny is just as wrong as any other form of tyranny. They would never approve of an Office of Faith-based Initiatives (really just an office of religion) being established within the executive branch.

Real conservatives support civil rights for all citizens. Goldwater spoke against the denial of rights to homosexuals. He believed government should stay out of our bedrooms and our private lives. Theocons are perfectly willing to deny civil rights to anyone they disapprove of.

Barry Goldwater is not responsible for the mess we're in. He was a real conservative and an honest man who revered the Constitution. I disagreed with him on many points, but I respected him. Bush and other neocons and theocons are neither honest nor worthy of respect.

I am left with only one question. Where are the real conservatives?


  1. Hello. Hello. Hello. Sort of hit my wall for blog stuff tonight with an early wake up call ahead. But I sure do appreciate the post. I'll respond more soon. Neil.

  2. "Real conservatives" can be found alongside leprechauns and unicorns.

  3. I may have missed it but is there or could you do a post on the whole "theocon, theocracy" agenda subject and what you have to support those claims?

    I don't mean to discount your claims, I pay very little to religious issue outside of my personal beliefs, and I certainly recognize your concern, I am just curious why you belive what you do.

  4. Great post. You might find your "real conservative" in Ron Paul, whom I am currently supporting for the Republican nomination.

    Yep; I found a Republican I like -- and, oddly, he's the most anti-war candidate of either party.... possibly excepting Kucinich.


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