Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Hammerin' Hank Is Still The King

As I write this, much of the baseball world is eagerly watching to see if Barry Bonds will break Hank Aaron's home run record of 755. Currently, they are tied.

Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but even if Bonds hits another 100 home runs I'll still consider Aaron to be the home run king. Why? Because he did it without cheating.

Many sports fans today don't seem to care what their heroes do as long as they win. I can't go along with that. There is no honor in winning if you have to cheat to do it. The same thing goes for setting records.

Taking drugs to enhance performance is cheating -- whether it's uppers or steroids. We just saw several athletes kicked out of the Tour de France for doping, and justifiably so. It was considered to be cheating. The same goes for baseball or any other sport.

Cheer for Bonds when he knocks another home run if you want, but I'll reserve my respect for the man who did it without cheating.

Hammerin' Hank is still the king.

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