Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Takes More Than Duct Tape To Be A Criminal

I think criminals may be getting stupider. Last month we had a guy disguised as a tree try to rob a bank in the Northeast. Now we have the "duct tape bandit".

A 24-year-old man in Kentucky wrapped his head in duct tape and tried to rob a liquor store. The man quickly learned that it takes more than duct tape to be a successful criminal. The store owner grabbed a wooden club he kept behind the counter and proceeded to do some serious "career counseling" with the hapless bandit.

A store employee and a customer then chased the bandit into the parking lot, tackled him and kept him in a choke hold until police arrived.

I hope the young would-be criminal was paying attention during the "career counseling" session. He seems to be a spectacular failure in his current chosen profession. Maybe he ought to try something else.


  1. I love stupid criminal stories. That guy took an ass-beating. And it's going to hurt like hell when he takes all that duct tape off.

  2. I agree. I can't get enough of these stories.

    We had a guy here in Amarillo who was going to rob a dry cleaning establishment. The customers took his rifle, beat him and tore his clothes off (in an effort to hold him for police). He was last seen running from the store butt-naked (leaving his wallet with ID behind).

  3. This is too funny!

    Joyce Danelen



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