Thursday, August 09, 2007

Texans Have A Clear Choice For U.S. Senate

Texans have a choice between three clearly different candidates for U.S. Senate this year.

The Republican candidate is the unpopular incumbent -- "Box Turtle" John Cornyn. If you want a candidate that has been bought and paid for by lobbyists and corporate interests, and if you want a candidate that supports continuing the Iraq war, and if you want a candidate that kowtows to the wishes of the religious right, then "Box Turtle" is the candidate for you. I personally find him totally unacceptable.

The second choice is running as a Democrat. He is super-rich San Antonio attorney Mikal Watts. Mr. Watts is sinking millions of dollars of his own money into his campaign. It's almost as if he thinks he can buy the election. He has also let it be known that he supports the un-Democratic notion that a woman should not have the right to govern her own body. Again, I find him totally unacceptable.

It is not until we get to the third choice that we find a true man of the people. He is a businessman, a military officer and a state legislator. He is a man that supports worker's rights, women's rights and minority rights. He is also a man that sees the illegality and futility of the Iraq war, and wants to help extricate America from that mess. He is Lt. Colonel and State Rep. Rick Noriega, and this is what he has to say:

Our nation is headed in the wrong direction. It is lead by those whose choice is to divide Americans to maintain power. It is the vision of the powerful that are either unwilling or unable to unite people, to foster common ground for the common good.

We as a nation have been the envy of the world when we have maintained our moral compass. I believe we have begun to let that slip away.

Our mismanagement of the war on terror, the acrimony of the national debate on immigration issues, the squandering of the environment, the inability to provide reasonable health care, the decay of our respect for human rights, the refusal to improve education, the willingness to sacrifice the many for the few....we are losing our global moral leadership.

I believe Rick Noriega is the best choice Texans have for the U.S. Senate. If you still haven't made up your mind, I urge you to visit his website at, and check out some other political blogs. Most of them will happily tell you why Noriega is the best candidate.

Once you've seen what Noriega stands for, I think you'll agree he's Texas' best choice. Then do as I have done, and give him some financial help. It doesn't have to be a lot -- just send whatever you can afford. He doesn't have the incumbency or the millions of dollars the other candidates have. He's depending on thousands of little guys like you and me kicking in a few dollars to help him put our country back on the right track.

Send a few dollars, talk to your neighbors and friends and then vote for Noriega in next year's primary. You'll be glad you did.


  1. Bravo. Very well said.

    Have you seen Rick's bio ad? It's posted up at his site, and at a bunch of political blogs (including Draft Rick, I'm happy to say).

    We'd love to get some more folks on the Noriega Express. Texas bloggers have a goal of 800 small dollar donors by the end of quarter to keep this people powered campaign on the tracks.

    Shutting up now. I just have been looking for the right candidate to take on Box Turtle John for literally years.

    Rick Noriega is the man to do that.

  2. Noriega and Watts would both be a huge improvement over Cornyn.

    Noriega has the clearest road to the nomination but I wonder if the same factors which make him the favorite in the primary may limit his crossover appeal in the general election. I particularly would love to know if Texas general election voters are closer to Cornyn's views on immigration or Noriega's (I don't even know what Watts's views are except that he was supposedly for the Senate immigration reform package). I wonder if Cornyn is further right of center or Noriega is further left of center. I have the same curiousity about gay marriage (the hateful vote to amend the Texas Constitution worries me most).

    I hope for my love of Texas that Cornyn is further out of the mainstream because, whether we get Noriega or Watts, I'm just looking forward to running Cornyn out of the Senate on a rail. I have had my heart broken too many times in statewide elections to suffer another loss.

  3. abc: Can you nail down Cornyn's views on immigration? I sure can't. I'm not that fast with a hammer and nail.


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