Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bloodiest Year For US Troops In Afghanistan

Saturday we got another reminder of just how incompetent the Bush administration really is. Last week, 2007 became the bloodiest year for U.S. troops in Iraq. Yesterday, the same thing became true in Afghanistan.

On Saturday, 6 more U.S. troops were killed in an ambush. That brought the total number of U.S. deaths in Afghanistan this year to 108. That is the highest total since the war began in 2001, and there are still several more weeks in this year.

It seems that the Taliban has been able to establish themselves and rebuild their forces in Pakistani safe areas just across the border. Now they are starting to step up their attacks in Afghanistan -- on both civilian and military targets. While the dictator in Pakistan was supposed to be helping us to control the Taliban and their allies, what he has really done is allow the Taliban to use the protection of his country to rebuild.

So what has Bush accomplished? Nothing it seems, except to cost a lot of lives. Osama still has not been captured. The Taliban is growing stronger. There are a record number of U.S. deaths in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and neither of those governments can protect themselves. There seems to be no end in sight for either war.

Add this to the fact that Bush has spied on American citizens, authorized the torture of prisoners, played politics with the Justice Department, vetoed healthcare for children, screwed up Hurricane Katrina disaster relief, and created the largest budget deficits of any president. That should give you some idea of just how incompetent Bush truly is.

Is there any doubt that he's the worst president America's ever had?

1 comment:

  1. Haven't you heard - things are getting better! The surge is working, the local governments are working with our troops and all is well in the neo-con rose-colored glasses/head in the sand (or is it up their butts) universe.


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