Friday, November 09, 2007

Can Democrats Afford To Nominate Clinton ?

The newest Wall Street Journal / NBC poll creates some doubt as to whether Hillary Clinton would be the best candidate for the Democrats to nominate in the presidential race. According to the new poll, Americans say they would prefer a Democrat over a Republican by 50% to 35%. Sounds pretty good doesn't it?

But when these same people were asked who they would vote for between Clinton and Guiliani, the numbers don't look nearly as good. About 46% picked Clinton and 45% picked Guiliani. That's a dead heat -- well within the margin of error. Those are numbers that should worry Democrats.

It's just a fact of life that Clinton has the highest negatives of any candidate. There's a large segment of the population that simply will not vote for Clinton, even though many of them are willing to vote for a Democrat next year. And none of the other Democrats have nearly as high negative numbers as Clinton does.

Here in Texas, we are trying to get a Democrat elected to the US Senate to replace "Box Turtle" John Cornyn. We have a good candidate in Rick Noeiega, but it would really help to have a Democratic candidate with some coattails. Clinton is so unpopular here (except among hardcore Democrats) that she might actually hurt down-ballot candidates rather than help them.

Frankly, there are many reasons not to nominate Clinton. She supports job outsourcing. She won't commit to ending the war in Iraq by 2012. She's taken huge dollars fron PAC's and corporations. She wants to leave troops in Iraq even after the war is over. She supports NAFTA-like trade agreements.

But the fact that a huge segment of our population simply does not like her may be one of the most important reasons. Nominating Clinton would give the Republicans what they're praying for -- a chance to win.


  1. These are GREAT republican talking points!

    They have nothing else but to attack our candidates. Their candidates suck. Big time. Its one of the worst set of candidates assembled in the history of the republican party.

    So, they put out stupid polls with stupid talking points, hoping stupid people will repeat them.

  2. Yes, the Republicans are fielding a weak set of candidates. That's why they're hoping the Democrats will nominate a weak candidate also.

    And you know the poll wasn't put out by Republicans. If it said nice things about your candidate, you'd be bragging about it.

    The fact is that as popular as Clinton is with some Democrats, she'd be the weakest candidate the Dems could nominate because of her very high negatives among the general population.

    It isn't just Democrats voting next November, and if the Democratic candidate can't carry the Independents, then we'll be looking at another Republican in the White House.

  3. Yeah, President Giuliani. Let that sink in. For those that don't think George W. Bush's policies are quite batshit crazy enough, and that want somebody really, really arrogant and abrasive as our face to the world.


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