Friday, December 07, 2007

Cornyn Is Chertoff's "Messenger Boy"

John Cornyn has always been George Bush's lapdog, but now it looks like he's extending his repertoire. Now he's acting as a "messenger boy" for Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff. It seems that Chertoff is unhappy with the opposition to the Republican's border fence here in Texas, so he's sent Cornyn to deliver a "get tough" message.

There are slightly more than 400 landowners on the Texas border that the federal government must deal with to build the ridiculous fence. The government says 110 of these landowners have refused to respond to government inquiries or have yet to be located. Another 40 have adamantly refused to give the government permission to set foot on their land.

Cornyn, who voted for the fence, is in Texas to threaten those landowners. He says that Chertoff is ready to get tough with the holdouts, and is preparing to go to federal court to force these landowners to comply -- probably by using the government's right of imminent domain. In other words, if these landowners won't give them the rights, they'll take the land by force.

The landowners are upset because in some cases the fence will cut through their land and leave some field's on the wrong side of the fence. In some other cases, the fence will cut them off from the river -- the only source of water for their crops and livestock.

But Chertoff, through Cornyn, makes it clear that he doesn't care about the landowners, or what the fence will do to harm Texas. These men only care about appealing to the racist base of their party. That's the only reason they're building the fence, since it will do nothing to improve the security of Texans or other Americans.

Cornyn does make a good lapdog and messenger boy, but is that really what we want from our senator? Wouldn't it be better to have a senator that will act in the best interests of the people of Texas?

There is a candidate ready to act on behalf of ordinary Texans, instead of the racists or the rich corporations. His name is Rick Noriega. Give him your serious consideration.

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