Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Incompetence Or More Lies ?

Yesterday, we learned from new National Intelligence reports that Iran has stopped its nuclear weapon program -- FOUR YEARS AGO! It's hard to know what to think about this. Has the Bush administration been lying to us for the last four years?

It wouldn't be the first time. Remember the mythical "weapons of mass destruction" that Bush assured us Saddam Hussein was hiding? Bush told us many lies to convince us that was true. He even went on nationwide TV and gave us the story about Saddam buying uranium from Africa, after he had already been told it was not true.

When Bush wants to start a war, he doesn't mind telling some lies to get his way. It's pretty obvious after his rhetoric of the last four years, that he really wants to attack Iran. Hell, he even repeated yesterday that all options were still on the table -- even though we had just learned Iran has no nuclear weapons program.

Or is this just another case of his administration's bungling incompetence. After seeing how he has handled the Iraq war and the Katrina disaster, it wouldn't be hard to believe that his revamped intelligence operations are just as incompetent as the rest of his administration.

There have been so many lies and so much incompetence from Bush's administration, that it is impossible to know which one is operative in this latest mess. Thankfully, we now know the truth and maybe that will keep us out of a war with Iran.

As much as he wants to attck Iran, I don't believe he'll be able to drum up the support now. He certainly won't get a Democratic Congress to authorize it. And I doubt he can get other countries to go along now.

China has already questioned whether further sanctions are necessary, and we can expect the same from Russia. Even our European allies such as Great Britain won't go along with an attack on a non-nuclear Iran.

Bush will still try to convince America and the world that Iran poses a threat, but the truth is out. There is no way an attack on Iran can now be justified.

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